
Thick cyst-like growths all over the nose which distort the nose. This originates with the process of rosacea. There are laser, dermabrasion, and surgical options that can help with this.

Radix graft

A graft that is placed to increase the height of the radix. This is done in rhinoplasty for dorsal height (bump) management.


The junction between the frontal bone and the dorsum of the nose. This is an area that can be deep in some people, requiring a graft during rhinoplasty. Other times, the radix can be too elevated and requires a technique called radix rasping, which reduces the prominence of the radix.

Radix is shown with a red arrow

Ptotic tip

A tip that hangs inferiorly, decreasing the nasolabial angle. This can be improved with rhinoplasty.

Polly-beak deformity

Deformity caused by fullness in the supratip. The lower portion of the septum is left too high, or if there is redundant scar tissue above the tip, the nose appears as similar to that of a parrot…… “Polly wana cracker?”

This is an example of a patient with Polly-beak deformity. This is NOT one of Dr. Zoumalan’s results.

Piriform aperture

The bony opening into the nasal cavity. It is pear-shaped and consists of the maxillary bone.piriform-aperture



Cuts through bone. There are many types of rhinoplasty osteotomies (medial, lateral, intermediate). In rhinoplasty, osteotomies are used mainly to narrow the nose and straighten the nose.

Image from Bailey’s Otolaryngology Textbook. Chapter 183. Management of the Crooked Nose by Drs. Murakami and Zoumalan.

Open roof

The gap that exists on top of the nasal bones after the hump/bump is removed. Osteotomies are performed to bring the bones closer and close the roof.

Onlay graft

This is a graft that is used to lift or augment the nose. It can be comprised of cartilage taken from the septum, ear, or rib. This graft lifts the bridge up for cosmetic purposes during primary or revision rhinoplasty.

This is most often done in Asian or African American rhinoplasty where the dorsum (bridge) needs to be built up. There are multiple ways to do this, and sometimes the onlay graft is used to deal with small depressions for camouflage purposes.

Notching of the ala

When the central part of the nostril peaks upwards. This can be a natural finding for a nostril or it can be a result of over-resection of the lateral cartilages during rhinoplasty.

Some patients like the way this looks, but most are unhappy if there is too much notching. Rhinoplasty surgeons can fix this by using grafts that use cartilage taken from the ear, septum or rib.