Mini Facelift – Case 01

This woman is an athlete who was interested in having facial rejuvenation. She wanted to get back to work, and teach her workout class as soon as possible. Dr. Zoumalan uses a deep plane facelift technique, which tailors each surgery to the individual. This technique also helps minimize healing time, as well as decrease the length of the incisions, making them more discrete. She underwent a facelift and neck lift through a mini-lift approach. She still had deep plane work, with all the advantages of a full facelift, which will make her lift last longer. You can see significant improvement, with little to no signs of surgery. Her incisions were minimized and did not extend behind the ear. She could wear her hair in a ponytail with no visible incisions. She was able to return to teaching classes very soon after surgery. She was presentable and had little signs of surgery, just 12 days after.