Before and after

Chin Augmentation

A chin implant is an excellent way to balance out a profile if the chin is weak. Dr. Zoumalan almost always prefers silicone implants because they have the lowest complication rate. He makes a tight pocket for the implant, and the incision heals imperceptibly. Chin implants are often times done at the same time as another procedure such as rhinoplasty to balance out a profile. The chin implant that is selected is custom designed for the patient’s chin and jaw.

A chin implant is an excellent way to balance out a profile if the chin is weak. Dr. Zoumalan almost always prefers silicone implants because they have the lowest complication rate. He makes a tight pocket for the implant, and the incision heals imperceptibly. Chin implants are often times done at the same time as another procedure such as rhinoplasty to balance out a profile. The chin implant that is selected is custom designed for the patient’s chin and jaw.